Wilkes Community Partnership for Children has a
recognition program for child care teachers based on observations by the
Partnership staff of outstanding achievement in child care. Each month a
teacher is presented with a door plaque with the teacher’s name in appreciation
for the dedication to the children they serve. In September, Wilkes
Community Partnership for Children recognizes Amanda Brown from Double Trouble
Early Learning Center. She is currently
a lead teacher of the Toddler room.
Amanda has shown outstanding efforts when working with young children by
collaborating with others, assisting the children in learning new skills or
words, and intentional planning that increase opportunities for learning. She is currently taking courses at Wilkes
Community College to further her knowledge in working with young children. Amanda is certified in playground safety,
CPR/First Aid, and SIDS. She also has
attended numerous Wilkes Community Partnership for Children trainings to
increase her knowledge in providing developmentally appropriate activities when
working with young children.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children
appreciates her dedication to serving children in Wilkes County. Wilkes
Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way
funded agency.