Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children recognizes Early Childhood Teacher for October

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children has a recognition program for child care teachers based on observations by the Partnership staff of outstanding achievement in child care. Each month a teacher is presented with a door plaque with the teacher’s name in appreciation for the dedication to the children they serve. In October, Wilkes Community Partnership for Children recognizes Melissa Miller, NCPreK teacher at Moravian Falls Elementary, for her dedication to  the students and their families.  Melissa helps implement the Raising A Reader book bag program at Moravian Falls Elementary.  She has done a phenomenal job presenting the program to the parents of both pre-k classrooms.  She presented all information in a clear and friendly manner and she arranged for a translator to be present for the Spanish speaking families.  Her willingness to participate and effective communication are an asset to the program and is greatly appreciated!  Melissa has been teaching for 11 years with a BS in child development: birth-kindergarten and a MA in elementary education K-6 with an add-on certification in English for Speaker of Other Languages and has three children.  Melissa says “My heart is working with young children and families and teaching and learning with them both!”  Melissa stated “I love Moravian Falls Elementary, the community, and the families!  They are such a blessing!”

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children appreciates her dedication to serving children in Wilkes County. Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way funded agency.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Kulynych Family Foundation supports Wilkes Community Partnership for Children in bringing the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Wilkes

Kulynych Family Foundation, Inc. was established in 1996 to embrace and perpetuate the original philanthropic vision of Petro and Roena Kulynych in their surrounding community and their state. Through grant making, one of their many goals was to strengthen and support the development of youth. The Kulynych Family Foundation are supporting the youth by making a generous donation to help the Wilkes Community Partnership for Children start up the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Wilkes County.

 In 1996, Dolly Parton launched an exciting new effort, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, to benefit the children of her home county in East Tennessee, USA. Dolly's vision was to foster a love of reading among her county’s preschool children and their families by providing them with the gift of a specially selected book each month. By mailing high quality, age-appropriate books directly to their homes, she wanted children to be excited about books and to feel the magic that books can create. Moreover, she could insure that every child would have books, regardless of their family’s income. Dolly’s Imagination Library became so popular that in the year 2000 she announced that she would make the program available for replication to any community that was willing to partner with her to support it locally. Already statistics and independent reports have shown Dolly Parton's Imagination Library drastically improves early childhood literacy for children enrolled in the program. Further studies have shown improved scores during early literacy testing.

 Wilkes Community Partnership for Children is continuously seeking funding to ensure every child birth to age 5 to have the opportunity to participate in this wonderful program and appreciates the generous donation made by the Kulynych Family Foundation, Inc. It cost approximately $30 a year to fund one child per year to participate in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Wilkes Community Partnership for children will hold a Dolly Parton Imagination Library kick-off event in January and will begin enrolling children. If you would like to learn more or would like to donate to the program, contact Wilkes Community Partnership for Children at 838-0977.

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way partner agency.

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children  Executive Director, Susan Cogdill, Brenda Kulynych Cline, Kulynych Foundation Chairman and Britt Billings, Wilkes Community Partnership for Children Program Evaluator, are excited about bringing the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Wilkes County children

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Children’s Theater presents The Legend of Pocahontas at the Stone Center

The Children’s Theater in Wilkes would like all families to come out to see the performance of The Legend of Pocahontas.  Show times are, Friday October 25th and Saturday October 26th @ 7:00 pm and Sunday October 27th @ 4:00pm. Tickets are only $5 each and kids 5 years and under get in free. All tickets are sold at the door of the Stone Center.

Hi-ya-ya-hi-ya.  Listen to the tom-tom drums and the message spoken by the "Wordspinner" that opens and closes this charming adventure suitable for all age groups.  The name Pocahontas, belonging to the daughter of the powerful Algonquin Chief Powhatan, means "She-Who-Likes-To-Be-Mischievous."  It’s a fitting name, because she enjoys playing tricks and games, especially with Raccoon, Bat and Fox...  her playmates in the forest.  She also makes friends with the English settlers in the struggling community of Jamestown.  They have no food, and sickness has almost wiped them out.  Pocahontas would like to help them, but Thundercloud, the medicine man, forbids it.  When Captain John Smith, the leader of Jamestown, comes to the Indian village, he is condemned to death.  In a thrilling scene, Pocahontas saves his life and finds a way for the Indians and the settlers to live in harmony and friendship. 

The Children’s Theater in Wilkes is a joint venture of Wilkes County High School Theatre Department; KIWANIS/The Terrific Kids program and Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency. Concessions will be available. There will also be a meet and greet with the cast for autographs and pictures held after each show. Wilkes Community Partnership for Children is a United Way partner agency.

For more information contact Wilkes Community Partnership for Children @ 336-838-0977.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Victory Automotive Group contributes over $8,000 to help Wilkes Community Partnership for Children bring the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Wilkes

Picture:  Dennis Hall, General Manager Victory Toyota Hyundai, and Wilkes Community Partnership for Children staff  Susan Cogdill, Executive Director, and Britt Billings, Program Evaluator, are excited about bringing the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Wilkes County children.
Victory Automotive Group is more than just a business in the community – they pride themselves on being part of the community. They care about the area they serve and the people in it. They proved this recently when they invested over $8,000 to help the Wilkes Community Partnership for Children start up the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Wilkes County.
In 1996, Dolly Parton launched an exciting new effort, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, to benefit the children of her home county in East Tennessee, USA. Dolly's vision was to foster a love of reading among her county’s preschool children and their families by providing them with the gift of a specially selected book each month. By mailing high quality, age-appropriate books directly to their homes, she wanted children to be excited about books and to feel the magic that books can create. Moreover, she could insure that every child would have books, regardless of their family’s income. Dolly’s Imagination Library became so popular that in the year 2000 she announced that she would make the program available for replication to any community that was willing to partner with her to support it locally. Already statistics and independent reports have shown Dolly Parton's Imagination Library drastically improves early childhood literacy for children enrolled in the program. Further studies have shown improved scores during early literacy testing.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children is continuously seeking funding to ensure every child birth to age 5 to have the opportunity to participate in this wonderful program and appreciates the generous donation made by the Victory Automotive Group. It cost approximately $30 a year to fund one child per year to participate in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Wilkes Community Partnership for children will hold a Dolly Parton Imagination Library kick-off event in January and will begin enrolling children. If you would like to learn more or would like to donate to the program, contact Wilkes Community Partnership for Children at 838-0977.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way partner agency.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Read for the Record reaches approximately 721 children in Wilkes

The “Read for the Record” campaign sponsored by Wilkes Community Partnership for Children Wilkes Literacy, and the Wilkes Public Library reached approximately 721 children in Wilkes County on Oct. 3rd.  The “Jumpstart Read for the Record” campaign is a national campaign designed to break the world record for the largest universal reading experience. This year’s book was Otis by Loren Long.  Jumpstarts goal is to work towards the day every child in America enters kindergarten prepared to succeed. 

“Read for the Record” was brought to Wilkes by Deborah Elledge Parker in partnership with Wilkes Literacy.  She saw the campaign on the Today show on NBC and worked to bring it to Wilkes the following year.

On Thursday, volunteers from across the county read to children in childcare centers and NC PreK classrooms. Wilkes Telecommunications, sponsor of the Wilkes reading campaign, helped promote the initiative by donating tote bags and sending employees to read to children in childcare centers.

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, Wilkes Literacy, and the Wilkes Public Library would like to thank everyone for their time and participation. For more information on how you can become part of the campaign contact Wilkes Community Partnership for Children at 838-0977. Wilkes Community Partnership for Children and Wilkes Literacy are United Way partner agencies.



Read for the Record Volunteers: Left to Right Back Row:  Dennis Johnson, Sara Caudill, Sandy Mathis, Tathel Miller, Sylvia Robinson,  Judy West, Gretchen Barelskil, Jody Call, Eric Cramer, Brett Yates, Mark Byrd, Tad Craig, and Walter Broyhill. Left to Right (Front Row) Amy Mathis, Gail Cecile, Aletha Johnson, Elizabeth Lee, Debbie Gentry, Phyllis Blevins, Shannon Pierce, Flo Renaker, Betsy Welborn, Amanda Perry, Kimberly Johnson, and Beverly Hersey.  Not Pictured: Jennifer Murray, Wanda Hutchinson, JoAnn Caudill,  Amy Cooper, Amie Rose, Britt Billings and Greta Ferguson.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Children’s Center of Wilkes continues to takes the lead in the Get Up Get Moving Campaign

For a third consecutive month, The Children’s Center of Wilkes has been awarded the GET UP GET MOVING trophy for the most steps walked at  a child care center.  Six staff members walked a total of over one million steps or an average of 207,989 steps by each staff member.  Receiving recognition as the walking the most steps was Amber Shumake with 335,996 steps.  This is the second time Amber has been recognized for walking the most steps.  The GET UP GET MOVING campaign is funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation and is implemented by the Wilkes Community Partnership for Children.  GET UP GET MOVING is designed to increase physical activity and movement by child care providers.


Wilkes Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way supported agency.