Wilkes Community Partnership for Children is
holding a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money to support local Reach
Out and Read medical practices in Wilkes County. Dr. John Pontzer, Wilkes
Pediatric clinic, helped kick off the fundraiser November 18th at
the Wilkes Community Partnership for Children and spoke about the importance of
the Reach Out and Read program and the impact it makes with young children and
developing early literacy skills.
Reach Out and Read is an evidence-based
program that partners with medical providers to promote early literacy and
school readiness in pediatric exam rooms nationwide by giving new books to
children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud. Reach Out
and Read builds on the unique relationship between parents and medical
providers to develop critical early reading skills in children, beginning at 6
months of age. Reach Out and Read families read together more often, and their
children enter kindergarten better prepared to succeed, with larger
vocabularies and stronger language skills. During the preschool years, children
served by Reach Out and Read score three to six months ahead of their non-Reach
Out and Read peers on vocabulary tests. These early foundational language
skills help start children on a path of success when they enter school.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children
coordinates the Reach Out and Read Program in Wilkes County in five medical
practices and is hoping to expand. Tastefully
Simple Consultant, Linda Greene, is giving 25% of the total sales to Wilkes
Community Partnership for Children to support the Reach Out and Read
program. If you would like to place an
order to support the cause go to the following url address:
http://tinyurl.com/mj46syk or call
984-7142. Orders will be taken up until December 1st so that
merchandise can be received by Christmas.
Community Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way
supported agency.