Wilkes Community Partnership for Children has a
recognition program for child care teachers based on observations by the
Partnership staff of outstanding achievement in child care. Each month a
teacher is presented with a door plaque with the teacher’s name in appreciation
for the dedication to the children they serve. In April, Wilkes
Community Partnership for Children recognized Kathy Kelley. Ms. Kelley is the
Director and Lead Teacher at North Wilkesboro Head Start. During her Environmental Rating Scale
Observation ( a tool used to evaluate the quality of child care
programs.) she scored a 5.19 out of a 7.00.
The center scored a 7 out of a 7 for Staff Education. A quality point was obtained on the child care
license for providing a reduced staff to child ratio. The outstanding scores allowed the center to
maintain a 5 star child care license. Ms.
Kelley truly takes the extra steps to be a dedicated teacher every day.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children
appreciates her dedication to serving children in Wilkes County. Wilkes Community
Partnership for Children, a local Smart Start agency, is a United Way partner