Monday, March 21, 2016

Cerebral Palsy

This is the third in a series of articles on disabilities from the Wilkes Community Partnership for Children.  The purpose of this series is to increase awareness of diagnosed disabilities in young children.

Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP, is a congenital disorder of childhood. In the United States approximately 500,000 children and adults are affected by CP.  It is one of the most common disorders existing before or during birth.  CP is a disorder that affects motor skills and the ability to move in a coordinated manner.   Muscle control, posture and movement are also affected.

Difficulty with swallowing along with eye muscle imbalance is common in people affected by CP. People with cerebral palsy have muscle stiffness and may have reduced range of motion at various joints.

Other health issues can occur from the brain damage caused CP.  These issues include learning disabilities, vision, speech, and hearing problems.  Because CP affects muscle tone and control, coordination is affected and a simple movement such as standing still is difficult.  CP also affects breathing, eating, and learning that involve muscles and motor skills.

The effect of cerebral palsy on functional abilities varies greatly. Some people are able to walk while others aren't able to walk. Some people show normal to near normal intellectual function, but others may have intellectual disabilities. Epilepsy, blindness or deafness also may be present.

The most common cause of CP is brain damage occurring before or during a child’s birth.  Brain damage during the first 3 to 5 years may also cause CP. The exact cause of CP is unknown.  Problems during pregnancy which damages the brain or doesn't allow the brain to develop normally is considered a cause of CP. This brain damage is created by infections, maternal health problems and/or a genetic disorder.  Anything that interferes with normal brain development could be considered a cause of CP. In some rare instances problems during labor and delivery can cause CP. A premature baby would be considered a higher risk for CP than babies that are carried full-term.  Babies weighing less than 3.3 pounds are considered a higher risk of as are other low birth weight babies and multiple births, such as twins and triplets.

Any brain damage that occurs during infancy or early childhood would be considered a risk factor.  Brain damage from being shaken as an infant (shaken baby syndrome), lead poisoning, being in a car accident while not restrained properly in a car seat, bacterial meningitis, or malnutrition would create a greater risk for CP.

There are three types of CP.  Ataxic cerebral palsy causes an unusual sense of balance and depth perception.  Spastic cerebral palsy creates stiffness and movement difficulties.  The individual with Athetoid cerebral palsy has involuntary and uncontrolled movements.

A thorough medical history and examination is required t obtain information leading to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. A health care professional can identify potentially treatable causes of a child's impairment. The health care professional evaluating the child with possible cerebral palsy should be experienced in neurological examination and assessment of impaired children and well-versed in the potential causes of cerebral palsy. Often, but not necessarily, this practitioner should be a pediatric neurologist. Once the examination is complete, depending on the findings, the practitioner may order laboratory tests to help in the assessment.

There is no single test to diagnose cerebral palsy.  Since cerebral palsy can be caused by multiple different factors, the tests performed are used to identify specific causes. Blood and urine tests may be used. Brain imaging studies can also be used to detect any changes in the brain’s structure. The studies are achieved by using a sensitive brain imaging study-MRI examination. Further testing may be required to define specific needs of the child.

Regardless of all of the tests it may not be possible to answer parents questions such as "Why does my child have cerebral palsy?" or "Will my child be normal?" In many cases a severely impaired young infants will grow up to be independent, while other less impaired children will require lifelong care.


There is no cure for CP, but treatment, therapy, special equipment, and, in some cases, surgery can help a child who is living with the condition.  For more information on Cerebral Palsy contact your local physician.  Additional information on Cerebral Palsy may be found at

Wilkes Community Partnership for Children is a Smart Start and United Way Funded Agency. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice information, i recommend to others also read.
